
Review, Retest, Calculators, or Games

Periods 1, 2, 5 and 7 will go to Canvas and read the announcement, which follows:

  1. Complete I can add and subtract integers. (Form C).
  2. Click the re-take quiz button on Multiplying and Dividing Integers Assessment 2.
  3. You may choose to retake the 7NS1 Midterm, the Adding Integers quiz, or the Subtracting Integers quiz today: all of these are already on your grade, so if you do better this time, it will help your grade.
  4. If you are done with everything else, come see me about playing a game.

Period 4 will be playing Zip, Zilch, Zero and coming up with ways to change the game to practice multiplication.

Period 6 will be using calculators to multiply and divide positive and negative decimals.