
Multiplying Integers

Starter: Put your homework from yesterday in the folder on the front table.
Then talk in your teams to solve the following numeric equations.

a.   2+3=
b.   -2+(-3)=
c.    2+(-3)=
d.   -2+3=
e.   7+4=
f.     -7+(-4)=
g.   7+(-4)=
h.   -7+4=
i.     9+12=
j.     -9+(-12)=
k.    9+(-12)=
l.     -9+12=

Explore: How does the Distributive Property support the rules for multiplying integers?

1) What are the rules for multiplying integers?
     a)  When the factors are in the same direction from zero, the                  product will be positive.
          2(3) = 6                -2(-3) = 6 
     b)  When the factors are in opposite directions from zero, the                product will be negative.
         2(-3) = -6              -2(3) = -6

2) Why do the rules work?
     a)  2(3) = 3+3 = 6                -2(-3) = -(-3)-(-3) = 6   
     b)  2(-3) = -3+(-3) = -6        -2(3) = -3-3 = -6

Summarize and Submit: 

Use words, pictures, or math symbols to explain why the sum of two negative numbers is negative, but the product of two negative numbers is positive; for example, show why 5(-3) = -15 and why -5(-3) = 15.


Check your current proficiency level in Gradebook and do the homework that matches your proficiency level:
Level 1 & 1.5 (links to assignment)
Level 2 & 2.5 (links to assignment)
Level 3 (links to assignment)
Level 4 (Link coming soon)