
Adding Rational Numbers

Starter: Get your Chromebook and leave it CLOSED on your desk. Then use the rules to tell whether each of the following will result in a positive or negative:

  • Subtract: Add the opposite, so 
  • Add: The sum has the same direction as the addend with the greatest absolute value.
  • Multiply/Divide: 
    • Same direction = Positive
    • Opposite directions = Negative 


Once you are finished, go to GoMath! (my.hrw.com), login, and close your Chromebook to show me you are ready.

Remember your login for GoMath!
Username: Your 9-number@GraniteSchools.org
Password: A9999999d 
  • A is replaced with the first letter of your first name. Keep it capital.
  • 99999999 is replaced with your 9-number
  • d is replaced with the DAY of your birth (not the month or the year; may be 1 digit or 2)