
Review, Retest, Calculators, or Games Part 2


Write each subtraction expression. Then rewrite each subtraction expression as addition with the additive inverse and solve.

Period 4 will go to Canvas and read the announcement, which follows:
  1. Complete I can add and subtract integers. (Form C).
  2. Click the re-take quiz button on Multiplying and Dividing Integers Assessment 2.
  3. You may choose to retake the 7NS1 Midterm, the Adding Integers quiz, or the Subtracting Integers quiz today: all of these are already on your grade, so if you do better this time, it will help your grade.
  4. If you are done with everything else, come see me about playing a game.

Periods 1, 2, 5, and 7 will be playing Zip, Zilch, Zero and coming up with ways to change the game to practice multiplication.

Period 6 will be using calculators to multiply and divide positive and negative fractions and decimals.


Review, Retest, Calculators, or Games

Periods 1, 2, 5 and 7 will go to Canvas and read the announcement, which follows:

  1. Complete I can add and subtract integers. (Form C).
  2. Click the re-take quiz button on Multiplying and Dividing Integers Assessment 2.
  3. You may choose to retake the 7NS1 Midterm, the Adding Integers quiz, or the Subtracting Integers quiz today: all of these are already on your grade, so if you do better this time, it will help your grade.
  4. If you are done with everything else, come see me about playing a game.

Period 4 will be playing Zip, Zilch, Zero and coming up with ways to change the game to practice multiplication.

Period 6 will be using calculators to multiply and divide positive and negative decimals.


Review: Multiplying and Dividing Positive and Negative Numbers

Starter: In your teams, discuss each question. 

  1. What division problem is represented?
  2. What multiplication problem is represented?
  3. Solve: -54 ÷ 9 =
  4. Evaluate: 18 ÷ -3 =
  5. Simplify: -24 ÷ -12 =
  6. Write 18 ÷ -2 in two other ways without changing the value of the quotient.
  7. Complete the statement: Any number divided by zero is ___________.
  8. Complete the statement: All rational numbers either __________ or ______ when shown in decimal form.
  9. Use long division to convert 5/8 to a decimal.
  10. Juan says that -56.289 ÷ 7.582 = -7.424, but Diego says that the quotient should be -0.1347. Whose answer is more reasonable? Why?
  11. Evaluate: 93+(-81)-(-46)-(-52)=
Consider this:
Division means distributing equally. If you have no candy, you can distribute it equally among 20 people: everyone gets 0 pieces of candy. But if you have 20 pieces of candy, you cannot distribute it equally with 0 people: the candy has to go somewhere, even if it goes in the garbage instead of to a person.

For the rest of the class period, you'll need your Chromebook. 
First, check the Canvas Calendar Agenda and complete any assignments there.
Then complete GoMath! 3.6.


Application of Rational Number Operations


  1. Get your Chromebook and login to My.HRW.com, then close your Chromebook to your fist.
  2. Evaluate 16+(-47)-91-(-52) with your team. Be ready to share your solutions and justify your process.

Objective: Solve problems with rational numbers.

  1. We will be working on GoMath! lesson 3.6. We'll do the green, blue, and purple dots together. You'll do the orange and red dots on your own.



We'll be taking a midterm exam on Canvas today to see your proficiency level with Adding and Subtracting integers.


Multiplying Rational Numbers

Today, you will be using what you know about integers to subtract other kinds of rational numbers, like positive and negative fractions and decimals.
1.    To begin, get your Chromebook and login to GoMath! (my.hrw.com). 
3.    Start your lesson 3.4 assignment. If you have headphones, you may use them for this lesson. If you don’t have headphones, click the “Volume” and “Subtitles” icons in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Turn off the volume and turn on the subtitles. (See pictures 1 & 2 at the bottom of this post.)
4.    This “Tools” menu is also available for you to use. Notice that it has a calculator, integer chips, and a fraction/decimal explorer. (See picture 3 at the bottom of this post.)
5.    I will be pulling students aside to work in small groups while you watch the lesson and try the practice and homework. Be respectful of others by using quiet voices if you need help from your team. Be accountable by focusing on improving your math skills by trying to understand the lesson and practicing the skills it is teaching. Be connected by helping others if you finish your work before they do.

Picture 1: Volume and Subtitles

Picture 2: Mute & Subtitles

Picture 3: Math Tools


Subtracting Rational Numbers

Today, you will be using what you know about integers to subtract other kinds of rational numbers, like positive and negative fractions and decimals.
1.    To begin, get your Chromebook and login to GoMath! (my.hrw.com). 
3.    Start your lesson 3.3 assignment. If you have headphones, you may use them for this lesson. If you don’t have headphones, click the “Volume” and “Subtitles” icons in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Turn off the volume and turn on the subtitles. (See pictures 1 & 2 at the bottom of this post.)
4.    This “Tools” menu is also available for you to use. Notice that it has a calculator, integer chips, and a fraction/decimal explorer. (See picture 3 at the bottom of this post.)
5.    I will be pulling students aside to work in small groups while you watch the lesson and try the practice and homework. Be respectful of others by using quiet voices if you need help from your team. Be accountable by focusing on improving your math skills by trying to understand the lesson and practicing the skills it is teaching. Be connected by helping others if you finish your work before they do.

Picture 1: Volume and Subtitles

Picture 2: Mute & Subtitles

Picture 3: Math Tools


Adding Rational Numbers

Today, you will be using what you know about integers to add other kinds of rational numbers, like positive and negative fractions and decimals.
1.    To begin, get your Chromebook and login to GoMath! (my.hrw.com). 
3.    Start your lesson 3.2 assignment. If you have headphones, you may use them for this lesson. If you don’t have headphones, click the “Volume” and “Subtitles” icons in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. Turn off the volume and turn on the subtitles. (See pictures 1 & 2 at the bottom of this post.)
4.    This “Tools” menu is also available for you to use. Notice that it has a calculator, integer chips, and a fraction/decimal explorer. (See picture 3 at the bottom of this post.)
5.    I will be pulling students aside to work in small groups while you watch the lesson and try the practice and homework. Be respectful of others by using quiet voices if you need help from your team. Be accountable by focusing on improving your math skills by trying to understand the lesson and practicing the skills it is teaching. Be connected by helping others if you finish your work before they do.

Picture 1: Volume and Subtitles

Picture 2: Mute & Subtitles

Picture 3: Math Tools


Adding Rational Numbers

Starter: Get your Chromebook and leave it CLOSED on your desk. Then use the rules to tell whether each of the following will result in a positive or negative:

  • Subtract: Add the opposite, so 
  • Add: The sum has the same direction as the addend with the greatest absolute value.
  • Multiply/Divide: 
    • Same direction = Positive
    • Opposite directions = Negative 


Once you are finished, go to GoMath! (my.hrw.com), login, and close your Chromebook to show me you are ready.

Remember your login for GoMath!
Username: Your 9-number@GraniteSchools.org
Password: A9999999d 
  • A is replaced with the first letter of your first name. Keep it capital.
  • 99999999 is replaced with your 9-number
  • d is replaced with the DAY of your birth (not the month or the year; may be 1 digit or 2)


Subtraction Assessment

Starter: Get your Chromebook but leave it closed on your desk.
In your teams, answer the following:

  1. 5+(-5) =
  2. -9-(-9) =
  3. 6+(-6) = 
  4. 0.268 + (-0.268) =
  5. (-4/5)+(4/5) =
  6. The sum of a number and its opposite will always be ____.

Today's Goal:

Students will receive their first proficiency score in Gradebook by completing the Subtracting Integers Test on Canvas


How to correct your own work on Canvas quizzes.

Starter: Talk to your team about how to evaluate a numeric expression that has more than two numbers. For example, how can you find the value of -37+48 -(-67)+(-84) - 3(-2)?

For the rest of today, we will be learning how to review and comment on Canvas quizzes. You will also have an opportunity to finish or retake the last test.


Multiplying and Dividing Integers: Review and Practice

Starter: In your teams, take turns talking about whether the following will be positive or negative and why. Then simplify each expression. Be ready to be accountable for your team’s work.











Explore: What strategies can you use to simplify arithmetic expressions?

Teacher: (5 minutes)
After attendance has been taken, click on the expressions in the first row, one at a time, to show the students video examples of what I expect them to share with the class. While the videos are playing, spread out the student name cards upside down on the front table. Pick one card and have the student named come up and hand them the student mic. (Click here for quick instructions about the cards.)

Whole Class: (10 minutes)
Students will take turns leading the class as we’ve done before: the first student selected will talk about the expression for letter e, and when finished, pick a card to show who will talk about letter f. Continue for 10 minutes or until letter p is complete, whichever is sooner.
For your expression, tell whether the simplified expression is positive or negative, explain why, and then tell how to simplify the expression (get the answer to the problem).
If not all problems are solved in 10 minutes, move on to the next activity.

Team Practice: (10 minutes)
In your teams, starting with the person with the highest desk number, take turns simplifying the expressions in the deck below until everyone has solved 3 or 4 problems. 

Individual Practice: (10 minutes)
Simplify as many expressions from the slides below as you can in 10 minutes. It's OK if to skip slides if they are moving too quickly for you: just write one down, work on it until you're done, then write and solve the next one you see.
Write the original and the simplified expressions on a piece of paper. Watch this video to see how to do this on paper.

Ticket Out: (10 minutes)
Put your name on a piece of paper, and then write your answers to the following questions:
1.    Without using a number line or a calculator, how can you tell whether the sum of two integers will be positive or negative?
2.    Without using a number line or a calculator, how can you tell whether the difference between two integers will be positive or negative?
3.    How can you tell whether the product of two integers will be positive or negative?
4.    How can you tell whether the quotient of two integers will be positive or negative?
5.    Why is the sum of two negatives always negative?
6.    Why is the product of two negatives always positive?
When you are finished, check to see if anyone on your team needs help. When your team is done or when the teacher asks for your work, pass your papers to one person on your team and have that person put it in the folder for your class period.