Thank you for coming in today and helping my students. They are a great group of kids and have been very cooperative with me this year. My 6th period is a co-taught class, and my co-teacher is taking the lead today: please support the students in following the lesson she has planned.
I have a TA in each of my first three classes, not including advisory. They may work on homework for other classes or participate with the rest of the students by following the lesson.
Please review this document for important classroom information. The "Daily Plans" binder is currently on my desk. This binder contains instructions for Breakfast in the Classroom. Advisory needs to complete the Skill of the Month worksheet and then silently work on homework until the end of class.
For all other classes, use the directions below. Students do NOT use Chromebooks when a guest teacher is present: all of this will need to be projected and done as a whole class.
Starter: Click the Full-Screen icon and allow students to complete the activity. Please follow the time limits included on each slide.
After the starter, tell the students they will have a quiz tomorrow on today's lesson, then play this video for them to watch:
After the video, give the students about 30 seconds to discuss in their teams the answers to the practice problems. At the end of 30 seconds, call on one team to answer and ask the rest of the class if they agree or disagree with that answer and why. Enter the answer in the box and select "Check Answer" to see if they were correct. Come back to this page when you are finished. The practice problems can be found here.
Now have students watch this video to review and extend what they have just done:
Now have students watch this video to review and extend what they have just done:
Have students shout out the answers to this activity and when they are finished, come back to this page.
Finally, have students watch one more video. Once they finish, have them write their own complex expression to give to someone else in the class to simplify.
Students will not turn in any of their work today: they will have a quiz tomorrow.